Monday, October 09, 2006


Teh Tarik, Coffee, Juice, Soft drinks, Beer & Liquor. In reality we humans only require water which makes up over 90% of our whole body. I call this "human drinking evolution" which has cause our species to have totally screwed up our genetical codes to require everything else but pure water. Our ancestors from the the first living man or maybe even the ape we are supposed to have come from are responsible for what we drink today. It could have possbibly & probably started from the the first living ape man discovering that the water out of a broken half coconut taste hell of a lot better then licking out of a stream or puddle. Sounds of coconut knockings probably evolved to sounds of glasses clinking everyday at bars, restuarants and gatherings with voices shouting "CHEERS".

After a heavy session as all my sessions are everytime i hold a glass of my favourite potent beverage in my hand, I wondered last night in my blissful & dreamy state of mind WHY DO I DRINK like a MOFU.

The sudden light bulb flickering above my head answered "EVOLUTION" left me with no hope but to drink or should I say I am like most humans genetically programmed to drink for my survival what ever the beverage is. Its not a psychological disorder to like drinking but a instinct in our animal nature to drink to survive. Drinking gives us everything we need in life to to survive our ordeals in life whether its good or bad. We need to drink to live, to socialise and make friendships, to COMMUNICATE to build our lives in personal or business, to make a living to live and provide for ourselves and name it and it all relates. It makes you strong and feel like a shark has to do what it has to do to survive get into the deep blue sea.

So I say to all my friends out there. Don't think drinking is a bad thing. Drinking is COMMUNICATION OF SURVIVAL. Its not complicated but actually plain simple. Whatever your beverage you like, be it Tea, Coffee, sweet flavoured liquids, alcohol...if it makes you feel good inside then drink it and you will live with a great life with friends that will kepp you company till its your time to leave. Sugar Rushes & Hangovers are normal. Drinkers are GREAT WHITE Sharks and Non drinkers are missing out to share the most important thing in life which started out in a coconut holding a beverage of life.

FYI Manjaro does not sell or serve alcoholic drinks and neither do we sell coconut water but we do provide an ambietic location serving an array of wonderful beverages that is aimed to serve you and communicate LIFE to you and your friends. Manjaro Loves FOOD MUSIC AND LIFE.



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